Affiliate Market Buzz

Affiliate Market Buzz

Affiliate & Internet Marketing made simple for everyone...

Do NOT Crash N’ Burn Your Membership Website BEFORE You Discover This 1 Secret Which Is…


Massive Membership Site Profits


People join your membership program because they want YOU to solve their problem and, they put faith in you to deliver on helping them get rid of their troubles, fears, and anxieties -- forever.  


Did you catch that? It’s “key” to running profitable memberships. Here it is again: 


They want you to actually HELP them -- not TELL them HOW they can solve it by themselves. 


I just told you WHAT the secret is, but do you want to know WHY it’s “Numero Uno”? 


The reason why most membership sites fail is because they spend more time telling people HOW to do something, instead of WHAT to do. 


Telling people “how” to do something doesn’t actually solve any problem or give them solutions. It gives them “options”. And options are the last thing people want when they want rock-hard concrete solutions. 


Are you following me? Great. Here’s a short example of the difference between telling people HOW to do something, versus “showing them how to do it (the right way): 


Travel back in time to your early childhood and sit in your old classroom chair in the woodwork shop. Your teacher, “Mr. Woodwork”, says you’re going to make a chair and gives you the wood. 


If he says, “Now, make a chair out of these pieces of wood I just gave you”, does that help? 


Not really. Instead, what you really need is “put this wooden piece here. Mark your spot here with a circle. Take this army knife and wedge it between here. Pick up that chisel and carve here…etc” 


I think you “got the point”. It’s detailed. Presented in a “step-by-step” format. And … 


It’s EXACLTY what membership subscribers want from YOU. Fair enough? Of course it is, because you would want the same instruction and attention to detail if you wanted to develop a better gold swing, lose weight, or get more dates. 


Your subscribers want the same. Because in the end, we never really want to figure out everything on our own -- that’s why they will pay you monthly for that instruction, as long as you are committed to helping them solve their problems. 


For a more detailed, step-by-step instructional guide on how to maximize your profits using membership websites -- check out (Membership Site Profits) 


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