7 Nearly Fatal LinkedIn
Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
Marketing yourself, your company, products and services, is
incredibly easy on LinkedIn, the fastest growing social network for professionals. Unfortunately, too many
overzealous marketers create profiles on the social network only to fall flat on their faces soon after. They
don't actually fail; they just don't end up going anywhere. They fail to make anything happen, which is a
huge travesty. To help make things pop for you on LinkedIn, stay away from these top seven mistakes and you
will be closer to success than you know.
1. Not Uploading Your
LinkedIn allows you to create and edit your profile
manually, but your resume already has your skills, education and experience neatly laid out and detailed just
how you want it. Why not upload your resume to LinkedIn and continue to convey that professional image on the
social networking site? LinkedIn will then fill out your profile according to the information listed on your
resume and/or CV.
2. Choosing A Drab Or Unprofessional
Your photo is one of the first things people see when they
view your profile. Even when your profile is in their updates timeline, your photo is front and center. This
is your chance to make a good first impression with a potential client, customer, boss or partner. Make that
first impression count with a professional-looking photo that shows you in the best light
3. Not Joining And Participating In
LinkedIn Groups is a chance to mingle with other like-minded
people in your field, and possibly experts. By joining and participating in various groups, you will meet new
people, boost your reputation and open yourself up to entirely new possibilities.
4. Not Expanding
LinkedIn allows you to expand your network by searching your
email account address books and the platform will even recommend people to you based on the information in
your profile. Of course, you can enter people manually using their email address any time you want to. You
will want to be choosy about who you let into your network, but you should always work on expanding it. A
professional who has a large connection list looks more legit than a pro with only two or three people, even
if those people are prominent in their respective fields.
5. Not Using Available
LinkedIn allows you to engage in introductions to possibly
expand your network. If you have a connection that knows someone that you would like to also know, you can
engage in one of these introductions. Use them wisely, as the free account option only comes with five
introductions per profile.
6. Failing To Use
Applications allow you to provide downloadable content,
showcase videos and other multimedia on your profile and advertise and host events. Make use of all available
applications to really super-charge your LinkedIn profile.
7. Profile Lying Dormant
In order for LinkedIn marketing to be effective, you need to
keep your profile active. A dormant profile won't do you any good in the professional world. You have this
entire site open to you with tons of new possibilities to market yourself and your business. Why not use
For even more tips on how to succeed with
LinkedIn marketing, visit [Insert URL Here].
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