10 Reasons to Create a Hub on
If you're a web marketer interested in more
traffic, more attention for your brand and more overall revenue, you should always include a HubPages hub
with your Internet marketing campaigns. A hub provides you with your very own platform where you can create
engaging articles that inform, educate and/or entertain with the ability to gain followers and comments in
every article you write. HubPages is essentially a social network for writers. If you're not on the platform
yet, here are 10 reasons you may want to create a hub today.
1. Ease of Use: The user-interface is just so easy that anyone can create
a HubPages hub. The powers behind the social blogging platform have gone above and beyond to make the site
incredibly user-friendly. That's great news for marketers who don't have a lot of time to figure new platforms
2. Hosted Platform: With HubPages, there's no
need to purchase a domain and a separate hosting service for your articles. You are provided with your very own
platform absolutely free.
3. Backlinks: When you write a new entry
for HubPages, you can include your links to build even more hyperlinks to your websites. This can provide you
with even more targeted traffic.
4. Search Engine Friendly: Don't believe everything
you've heard. Yes, HubPages was one of the sites hit by Panda and Penguin, the two infamous Google updates, but
the site is still search engine friendly. By posting on HubPages, you're more likely to reach the top of the
SERPs sooner than if you were to host your own blog from scratch.
5. You Can Earn: HubPages allows you to place
Google Adsense and other ads on your articles. The more you publish and the more traffic you generate for each
article you write, the more likely you are to earn regular monthly income through Adsense and other advertising
6. Multimedia Enabled: The platform isn't just for
text. You can include videos, photos, images and anything else you think will enhance your hub. You can even
include affiliate links and products.
7. Sell Affiliate Products: HubPages makes it easy to
sell affiliate products, especially Amazon products. In fact, you can link your Amazon account right to your
HubPages hub.
8. Amazon Supported: You can include an Amazon
wish list to help even more with your earnings. What better way to sell Amazon products than to write about the
subject matter with authority? Speaking of authority.
9. Establish Authority: Every Hub you write
positions you even higher as an authority figure in your niche. The more you educate your audience, inform and
entertain, the more likely they are to come to you when they need the products and services you're
10. Generate
Comments: If you want to generate more traffic, you'll want to generate lots of comments on each
HubPages article you write. The more comments you can bring in, the more traffic you'll get to your HubPages
profile and the more traffic you'll eventually get to your website and/or
These are only ten reasons to start a Hub. Want more expert
advice where this came from? Head over to [Insert URL Here].
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