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Three Tips to Succeed with Kindle Publishing  


Kindle Publishing Articles


No matter how great the book you’ve written is, whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, there is no guarantee that it will become an overnight success. In fact, it’s quite likely the opposite will happen, unless you take certain measures to increase the likelihood of you succeeding. 


Kindle Publishing Success: Your Ebook Cover Is Critical 


It’s true what they say. The packaging does sell the product and nowhere is this more critical than with books. A good cover will sell the book, which means it’s worth investing in the services of a professional. Even if it costs you a few hundred dollars to get a great cover designed, it will pay for itself in no time at all. 


Remember, most people browse thumbnails on their Kindle when deciding on what book to purchase and it’s generally the cover that will catch someone’s eye. So, if you really want to succeed with Kindle publishing, you need to make sure that your ebook has a very attractive cover that will draw potential customers in.  


If you’ve designed it by yourself, then you really need to rethink your strategy, unless you are a professional graphic designer. A cover could be the one thing that stands between you hitting the bestseller list or falling into obscurity. Are you really willing to take the risk with a poorly designed cover? 


Kindle Publishing Success: The Sample 


Amazon offers potential customers the ability to browse the first few pages of a book before they buy. If they like it and the writing draws them in, then they’ll buy the book. If not, they’ll delete the sample and move on to the next book.  


So, if you want to succeed with Kindle publishing, you need to make sure that the first few pages of your book are outstanding. They have to pull the reader in and get them to want more because otherwise they won’t want to buy the book.  


This isn’t to say that the rest of the book should be mediocre. Quite the opposite, in fact. But, first impressions are critical and that’s why you want to make sure that the first few pages of your book are fascinating and exciting and exactly what your readers are looking for.  


Kindle Publishing Success: A Clean Manuscript 


One of the things that turn many people off self-published titles is that they expect them to be poorly edited. Sadly, that does happen quite often and people usually will refuse to buy anything ever again from an author whose book was full of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. That is why it is imperative; if you want to succeed with Kindle publishing, that you employ the services of a professional proofreader or editor.  


The more polished your book is and the more professional it appears, the better your chances of succeeding with Kindle publishing and having your book hit the bestseller list. 


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